Turf Installation

Good afternoon, Sanbornians! I’m quite happy to report that the dust is finally settling from the crises over the previous few months, and an eerie calm has settled over our fair county.

With the termite menace receding, the citizens of our great county are returning to their houses to survey the damage done and decide how to move forward. The summer months are fast approaching, and many of us are wondering what we can do to prepare our properties to get the most out of this short window of peace and prosperity!

Unfortunately, with the recent chaos, many of us have been forced to neglect our landscaping, and with the unusual rate of growth for much of the plant life in our little piece of California, many are looking at their overgrown lawns with despair. Previously perfectly kept yards are looking like the properties have been abandoned for years and nature has reclaimed them as part of her domain.

After years of nearly daily upkeep for their lawns, many Sanbornians I have talked to on the matter feel that this is the last straw. The struggle between man and grass is just too much for them to continue any longer, and it is time to start looking at alternatives.

One must be careful about which alternative to choose for their natural turf lawns in Sanborn, however. Merely tearing out the grass to replace it with clovers or stones is not enough; somehow, no matter how much soil you remove, native Sanborn flora always finds a way to return, often destroying the new landscaping work you have installed in the process.

No, Sanbornians require a more permanent solution, and that means removing the nature and replacing it with the synthetic. Luckily, Sanborn is home to a field office of NoMow Turf, a city partner known for their high quality fake grass installations in Orange County.

Synthetic turf installation involves destroying the top layers of soil to install a base of stone and sand, meaning any natural plant life is going to have an extremely tough time reclaiming the yard space. With proper drainage control, any remaining soil is deprived almost completely of water, so any plants that manage to get a foothold are incapable of surviving for long.

Utilizing artificial turf gives you all the benefits of a well maintained lawn without the constant battle to either keep it alive or getting a little too lively and takin over the space. Fake grass is a one-and-done deal, meaning you only need to worry about a proper installation.

While it is possible to perform the installation yourself, if you truly want to be certain your yard will remain free of the destructive native flora, it’s always recommended you get the work done by a professional in the field. NoMow Turf have been in the game for decades, and the hundreds of properties they have worked on can attest to their skill and professionalism.

If you’re interested in a permanent solution to the struggles you face with natural turf, give NoMow Turf a call. They will ensure your yard remains perfect without a single bead of sweat required for years to come.

NoMow Turf


26674 Vista Terrace, Lake Forest, CA 92630

Turf Installation

Sanborne County Announces Ban On Grass-Based Landscaping

Hello once again, Sanbornians! Wild news is coming out of the county board of commissioners – in an attempt to cut down on massive wildfires and help fight the dangers associated with global warming, the county has officially put a ban on all forms of grass for use in landscaping!

The county board, who was recently elected in an emergency vote after the previous board was wiped out to a man by the recent coronavirus epidemic, has a number of interesting characters on it. Paul Paulson, a local man, has just returned from years abroad working with the international organization Green Peace, and was last seen before his return to Sanborne in a YouTube video depicting the group firing upon a Japanese whaling vessel with small arms.

Another, Moonbeam TreeWhisp of the Forest Clan, previously known as Margaret Anderson, has been living in the local Sanborne Woods for the past 80 years. Records giving details of her birth no longer exist thanks to the great Arson Spree of 1953, and her given name was only found thanks to a great grand niece providing a picture to this humble publication. Strangely, her appearance has not changed at all since her departure into the wood, which has become famous over the years for the number of hikers disappearing into its depths, never to be seen again.

The board has dictated quite strict measures to ensure this ordnance is followed – any persons found in violation are to be arrested and brought to the local town square to be flogged. Community attendance of these corporal punishments is mandatory, with the punishment for truancy being arrest and public flogging. The punishment for continued violations have not been publicly disclosed, but reports of citizens being hustled off into the woods late at night by mysterious cloaked figures have begun popping up all over the county.

For those concerned citizens who are now wondering how they will maintain the verdant green yards they have been working for years to cultivate, we have some tips and pointers!

The local quarry has been increasing production since the government allowed the continuance of operations after they uncovered the ancient subterranean gateway. Workers have been helpfully provided with noise-cancelling headphones to block out the previously reported screams emanating from the mysterious artifact, and have been providing a great deal of colorful crushed rocks which can be used for yard cover with a tasteful mix of shrubbery and other greenery.

For a more modern solution, we recommend the use of artificial grass. Luckily, a new company has been added to the county directory which can help those of us who choose to hurriedly rip out our natural grass and make plans for an artificial turf installation as a substitute. That company is the southern California-based NoMow Turf, who has been providing Orange County residents with environmentally friendly alternatives to natural grass since 2005.

If you are looking to stay on the straight and narrow and NOT be publicly beaten, we highly recommend you check out our county’s newest business partner. Your family’s safety will be secured, and you won’t have to go without the green lawn you’ve grown to love.

No Mow Turf

(866) 679-4863

26674 Vista Terrace, Lake Forest, CA 92630