When it comes to owning cats and dogs, pet owners have several differences and similarities which are peculiar to them and are mostly due to the temperament of each animal type. In this article, we will look at the personality traits and characteristics of the owners of the two species: what makes them different and what they share in common.
Differences Between Dog Owners And Cat Owners
Dogs are very active and far more sociable than cats. This tends to be reflected in their owners. Dog owners tend to socialize more than cat owners. Dog owners tend to be more friendly and extroverted than cat owners, who are usually people who live and spend time alone. Also, people who keep dogs as pets tend to be more confident and assertive compared to owners of cats. A research study found that cat owners are a third more likely to live alone and twice as likely to live in an apartment compared to dog owners.
Cat owners tend to be more neurotic than dog lovers. Cat lovers tend to be more prone to anxiety and neurotic disorders compared to dog owners. Unlike dogs that sit with their owners, providing affection for just being there, cats, on the other hand, are far less likely to reassure their owners through difficult and emotional times.
Cat owners tend to be reclused, preferring their own whims rather than following the rules, which can be attributed to their colder mannerisms and preference for independence. Cats generally like to do as they please. Dog owners are more likely to obey their owners, symbolizing their loyalty.
Cat people are more sensitive than dog people. And sensitivity is not always a bad thing! According to a research study conducted at Carroll University, dog owners show fewer signs of sensitivity compared to cat owners.
Dog owners tend to tolerate cats while cat owners strongly dislike dogs. Studies also reveal that people who own dogs tend not to have problems with adding a cat to their life, but cat owners are often not open to buying or accepting a dog as a pet.
Similarities Between Dog Owners and Cat Owners
Research shows that those with pets have stronger heart health than those without. Pet owners are investing more and more into pet healthcare. Veterinary services such as the specialization of a cardiology consultant have become increasingly in high demand.
Dogs and cats are the two most common domesticated animals kept as pets in our world today. Both animals are affectionate in their unique ways: they show that to their owners and expect to receive that same kind of love and attention from their owners.
Dog and cat owners always like to keep their animal friends by their side to cuddle and sleep with them. They even feed their pets at the same time that they eat. These pets occupy a familial role in the lives of the owners; like children and family members, they affect the owner’s selection of apartment or home, furniture, car, and so on. In fact, a rover.com study found many pet owners preferred their fur companion to human company. 52% of cat owners preferred spending time with their cats than with people, and 42% of dog owners preferred to spend time with their dogs than people.
Are you a dog or cat person?