Category Archives: Cannabis Security

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Remote Security Guarding On The Cannabis Front Lines 

Category : Cannabis Security

The lightbulb, automobile, steam engine, personal computer, and smartphone are some of humankind’s greatest achievements, each of which has drastically advanced our civilization.

Once upon a time, the king of a castle would have an army of knights in armor in chariots charging out of the gates on the backs of horses, defending the kingdom against intruders. 

While we may no longer live in the medieval ages and we drive cars instead of riding horses, guarding your property is as important as ever. We may no longer live in times of war, but security and surveillance is an industry worth billions because of the value it provides. These solutions can save lives and at the very least provide peace of mind. 

The Cannabis Battleground 

Valor has made its renaissance in the cannabis industry. The product is so in demand that legalizing cannabis farms and stores are targets of theft with the intent to resell underground. 

Search engines and smartphones have made it possible for any Joe Schmo to dive into the deep dark web to plot their next scheme and prepare their tricks and tactics. But convicts are no Joe Schmoes, and their techniques are becoming more aggressive and sophisticated with time. The booming legal cannabis industry is where vulnerabilities are preyed upon to be exploited into illegal profit. 

Growers and retailers often seek experienced professionals with backgrounds in defensive combat, including former police officers and military veterans. In the old and never ending arms race between crime and safety, establishments need to stay one step ahead by being equipped with the latest modern tools and equipment. 

Technology-Enhanced Security 

Security personnel are integral to the daily safety of growing, distributing, and selling cannabis. Everyone needs them, which can make it hard for cannabis startups or businesses in competitive areas to acquire the best of the best when hiring talent. 

But even with the best team of security staff, cannabis facilities cannot rely on human ingenuity alone to defend a fortress under siege. The greatest difference between humans and technology is human error. Humans are not robots. It is simply not possible for a human to be awake around-the-clock without blinking for even a second. 

Remote guarding significantly enhances Cannabis Security measures, which saves hundreds of thousands of dollars in loss prevention and lawsuit mitigation. Powered by artificial intelligence, which many thought leaders believe to be this era’s greatest innovation, remote guarding combines the skills of security personnel with 24/7 video monitoring and real-time alarms to identify threats and prevent theft, trespassing, and breaches. 

Cannabis Compliant Security Solutions is a consultancy that optimizes security coverage for maximum vigilance for businesses in the cannabis market. The consultancy offers security guard training, custom implementation of software, hardware, and digital line barriers, and strategic guidance on policies and procedures. As the industry evolves with regulations that vary by state, Cannabis Compliant Security Solutions helps their clients stay up to date in compliance with the law to keep their operations up and running without being stopped by red tape. 

Cannabis Compliant Security Solutions

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Sanborn County Alert Level: RED

Welcome back for this special news bulletin, Sanbornians! Summer is here once again, and that means the annual Sanborn crime wave is taking its usual course through the county.

This year is promising to be a record breaker, however! The people of our humble county know that when the rest of the state sneezes, we’re soon to come down with plague. This translates to Sanborn being overrun by rifraff as the state experiences its worst crime wave since the 1990’s.

The worst casualty so far is the newly opened cannabis dispensaries dotting the county. Sanborn was an early adopter of cannabis distribution after the state legalized it, and the industry has been booming ever since.

Since the start of the year, however, dispensaries have been robbed on a nearly weekly basis. One dispensary owned by concerned citizen Jimmy Smokes has experienced three separate, yet identically performed robberies.

The criminals used large trucks to ram the front of his store, breaking the windows, doors, and walls. They would then scamper in, grab the crop and the cash, and then tag the walls with their gang affiliation. Dastardly!

Thankfully, Sanborn has not seen any dispensary robberies resulting in an injury or death, but that isn’t the case everywhere. Dispensaries and growing operations across the state and up the west coast are getting more deadly by the day.

In Washington, budtenders are at particular risk as robberies increase in frequency and severity. One particularly deadly week earlier this year saw three dispensary employees killed by emboldened criminals.

So, what are dispensary owners and employees to do? From all accounts, depending on the police or local governments to crack down on robberies has been a long wait for a train that isn’t coming. Dispensaries all over the west coast have reported that police are unwilling to help and local districts are not interested in punishing crime.

Here in Sanborn, our local district attorney is a well-known wino that is frequently seen napping in the town’s parks. While in previous years that has worked well for local citizens, as the crime wave worsens many are left without legal recourse.

So what are dispensary owners to do? As the state flounders in its response, many have turned to private security firms to provide some protection for their businesses and employees.

This solution comes with its own problems, however. Many security guards are poorly trained and get into the industry thanks to a history of, or penchant for, violence. This can lead to lawsuits and a load of bad press as the guards harass locals or get in unnecessarily violent altercations.

This is why we here at this humble rag recommend you contract out your security system to the professionals. Security consultants can help you plan every aspect of your security system and ensure you work with quality suppliers and well-trained guards.

For businesses that want to improve on their existing security systems, bay area local Cannabis Compliant Security Solutions (C.C.S.S.) provides cannabis dispensary security audits. These audits test each part of the system and verify that it complies with local ordinances and your insurance policies so there’s no chance your claims will be denied over a minor detail.

Crime ebbs and flows over the years, and we’re in the midst of one of the biggest flow periods we’ve seen in 40 years. Make sure your business isn’t swamped by calling the guys over at C.C.S.S. for a security plan and audit.

Cannabis Compliant Security Solutions

925 922 1067

2269 Chestnut Street, #856 San Francisco, CA 94123

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New Report: Enormous Crime Wave MISSES Select Businesses!

Hello and welcome to the most recent addition of the local Sanborn rag, reporting direct from ground zero of the most recent and destructive crime wave we’ve had in almost a half decade. The streets are choked with smoke, the police have once again joined with the looters and rioters, and the sound of gunshots can be heard on a minute-to-minute basis.

Normal citizens, inured to this by this point, zig-zag across the streets on their way to supermarkets or their places of work. Some take the opportunity to train their children, now old enough to experience their first riots, on the ins and outs of how to survive what has been a Sanborn tradition for nearly 200 years.

Business owners stay home or gather together in front of a television, taking bets on whether or not their shop will be burned down and looted this go-around. Something is a bit different this time, though, as I noticed when making my own circuitous route through the city.

The local dispensary, despite being right in the path of the destructive mob and filled to the gills with product they would no doubt love to loot, was standing tall and firm, with nary a broken window to speak of. This shocked me, as our mobs take quite a bit of pride in being thorough during their revelry, so I decided to do a little bit of digging.

As it turns out, the dispensary had heard of our county’s unique tradition and had taken steps to ensure that they would emerge unscathed. They had contracted out a security firm that had just expanded out of the bay area along with the dispensaries that went by the name of Cannabis Compliant Security Solutions, or CCSS for short.

Due to the new regulations surrounding the legalization of cannabis and the poor state of public order in the bay area, security – a major concern for all businesses, but dispensaries more than others – was a necessary and well-justified concern. A firm that could provide cannabis security solutions that not only conformed to local ordinances but provided an airtight security system that protected customers, employees, and business owners is a hot commodity.

As I have seen, CCSS provides all of that and more. The guards were well trained and new exactly what to do during emergency situations, the shop had plenty of cameras, alarms, and a well-functioning lock-and-key system that prevented unwanted visitors from easily planning a crime on-premises.

It was a strange sight, with downtown turned into a smoldering wreckage and yet a single building standing as if nothing had happened. The smoke and flames seemed to be part of a sick joke that had gotten way too far out of hand when viewed in context.

While many cities lack our customs, many do have issues with crime, both violent and non-violent, that require the use of stringent security systems. If you need a tighter security plan and system, give CCSS a call today.

Cannabis Compliant Security Solutions
