Author Archives: LocalRealty

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Proud of Our Home and Home Builders

As small as it is, you know that Sanborn County carries a lot of pride for its businesses. Some small, some not so small, we have a lot of respect and admiration for those that run a business right here in this beautiful county.

As such, we have a lot of pride in our local home designer. Obviously, they do incredible work, but what most probably don’t know is that they are so sought after that they design high-class homes in Newport Beach and surrounding areas. That’s when they’re not improving our town, of course. Even with their 5-star reviews, Sailhouse is just as well-liked online as through word of mouth. After all, when you end up with a beautiful backyard and home, people want to know who did it!

Despite being a small town, we’ve had several folks here employ the use of Sailhouse for personal projects, and it’s really given our town a beautiful feeling. We joke about how small of a town we are, but it’s all in good jest. We know we’ve got good folks here, and the great workers at Sailhouse just down the street have added wonderfully to the culture of our town.

As we’ve mentioned, Sailhouse not only designs homes here but they are also one of the top custom home builders in Newport Beach. They offer an all-inclusive home building team that will help you from the planning stages of your project, to the bulldozing and bricklaying, to installing that final lightbulb. They pride themselves on a finished, elevated, and quality product from their team. 

Just look at this home. Obviously meant to be placed near the beach, this house combines elegance and dramatics with the giant glass opening to the front of the home and the curved edges of the walls. The house looks like it’s meant to be there, and you haven’t seen anything quite like it before.

On their website, they quote Ralph Lauren, “Style is very personal. It has nothing to do with fashion. Fashion is over quickly. Style is forever.” These fitting quotes are placed elegantly throughout their website as a way for you to get to know the personal aesthetic of the Sailhouse team. You really feel like you’re getting a team who embodies the quotes on their walls and the culture they have created. You’ve got a team that is working hard to exceed any and all expectations for their clients.

This home really strikes us. It’s such a classy style with the white walls and the dark framing of the roofing. It is so classy, and it embodies the feeling that the Sailhouse website and portfolio gives. It’s truly a high-end experience. It looks like something you could expect in a home design magazine. Whoever owns it is surely proud to. 

Frank Gehry says, “Architecture should speak of its time and place, but yearn for timelessness.” This is another quote that Sailhouse seeks to exemplify. Much like a small town, good architecture will last for years beyond its initial inhabitants. They leave a mark on each and every neighborhood they work in. 

We’re proud to have Sailhouse as a thriving business in our town.

Sailhouse Custom Homes

170 Newport Center Dr Suite 220, Newport Beach, CA 92660

(949) 281-6044

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Avoid the Heartache and Mediate

Divorce is expensive. It hurts. It’s the end of a union that at once was thought to be for forever. Not only is it an entire change of life for the people that are involved, but it’s also only made worse when other people become involved. First, it’s close family and friends. Then, extended family. And, when you’re in a small town, everyone knows. Not only do they know, but they have an opinion. That’s where rumors and drama come in. 

I’ve once heard of a young couple who were seeking a divorce in the early 1990s. They made a mistake getting married and they knew it. The young woman didn’t want anything. Just a simple, clean divorce. The young man listened to his family and friends, and hired an expensive lawyer in a silk suit, refusing to even speak to his soon-to-be ex-wife. Only to walk into the courtroom to find that his ex-wife had indeed not hired an Orange County family law lawyer, and instead just stood there plain-clothed and honest. “I don’t want your money. I just want to be free.”

That could have all been avoided if there were more communication. The young man could have saved possibly hundreds of dollars and just consulted a divorce mediator. A divorce mediator is someone who acts as a moderator for discussion between the couple about the division of assets and marriage. A much cheaper option, the couple usually saves money and heartache from having a long and drawn-out legal battle. 

McNamee Mediations could have saved this couple. The thing is they, save couples like this all the time from the difficult divorce battles that we hear about so often. Just a few months ago, Beth B. writes, “Colleen is seriously a miracle worker!  Our divorce had been dragging on for nearly four years, and we had made very little headway using other mediation and divorce professionals without success.”

Another client, Craig G. says, “Colleen was great to work with and made a very difficult and emotional situation manageable. … The cost was very reasonable and a fraction of what it could have been taking other legal options.” This is just another example of where McNamee Mediations have stepped in, saving another family from the long, costly, drawn-out process of divorce. 

Because of the high divorce rates they grew up with, millennial couples are getting married later and later. Millennials are lowering the divorce rate nationally. An article by the USA Today says, “University of Maryland professor Philip Cohen found that from 2008 to 2016, the U.S. divorce rate dropped by 18 percent. … To measure the divorce rate, Cohen compared the number of divorces to married women. When controlling for other factors like an aging population, the results show only an 8 percent drop, “but the pattern is the same,” Cohen notes.” The article by the USA Today summarizes it to say that it’s likely the divorce rate will continue to drop because people are waiting until they’re older, more financially secure, and better educated.

So, it looks like millennials are paving a new path to marriage. It makes sense that they’re taking the less traditional path to a more amicable, communicative divorce as well. For instance, in high-cost of living areas like Irvine, divorce mediation may seem impossible, but with a great mediator like McNamee, it’s certainly possible in even the most complicated of cases.

If you are in need of a mediator, please reach out to:

McNamee Mediations

4590 MacArthur Blvd Suite 500, Newport Beach, CA 92660

(949) 223-3836

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The Office Redesign

Gary Bookershelves read through the entries for what felt like the hundredth time. His office furniture store was holding their first ever office makeover contest. The store had been up against tough competition ever since the big box store, Furniture Bonanza, had opened just outside of town. People seemed more interested in driving 15 minutes to buy their cheaply made furniture than shopping local.

So, Gary had come up with a plan to boost sales. He was hosting a contest where all local businesses were welcome to submit their dream office design on his website. Gary would pick the winner and then remodel their office, free of cost to them. It would be just like Extreme Home Makeover, but for offices. His goal was to remind the community how important it is to shop local. If he was being honest, he also hoped to inspire some of his fellow business owners who didn’t win to revamp their office space.

Gary thought he had narrowed it down to three finalists, but it was so hard to choose. He continued to thumb through the entries while he ate his turkey and mayo sandwich. He was the type of person who ate the same thing for lunch every day. His assistant Shelly never tired of teasing him about it. Maybe he would get her opinion on it, “Hey Shelly, can you come in here for a sec?”

Shelly sprung up from her chair and scurried into Gary’s office. Gary really liked Shelly. He liked her spunky personality and the way she styled her hair. Short and red, but not bottle dyed. She appeared in the doorway, “Hey boss, what can I help with?”

“Listen to these three descriptions and tell me which one you like the best,” Gary replied.

Shelly clapped her hands and jumped up and down, “Oh goody, is this for the contest? I was honestly hoping I would get to help. How exciting! Okay, read them to me,” she said. Her face all the sudden adopting a serious look.

Gary chuckled a little, “Okay, so first we have Penny’s Pocketbooks. Penny the owner wrote this: My dream office is one with pizzazz. Pocketbooks are my business, and I think it would be really fun to have an office completely designed with that in mind. All of the décor would be pocketbook related, and each desk and chair would be a different color- just like my sales floor!” Gary looked up from Penny’s proposal, “So what do you think of that?”

Shelly squished her nose, “A little bland, what else do you have?”

“Okay, Sam’s Sandwiches wrote: Our dream office would be as delicious and colorful as our sandwiches. Everything would be in green, brown, and red, just like the most common ingredients in a sandwich.”

Shelly’s hand went up, “I’m going to stop you right there because I’m bored already.”

Gary laughed, “Okay, okay, how about this one, Kara’s Daycare wrote: My dream office is one that inspires creativity, learning, and positivity. Working with kids all day has taught me there is nothing more important than imagination, and I would like my office to reflect that. The most important aspect of my dream office would be designated spaces for the kids to read, color, and play. Bright, happy colors would occupy all the décor. Of course, it would be nice to have a small desk of my own too. Thanks for your consideration and for supporting local shopping!”

“Oh my, I love Kara’s Daycare! Isn’t it obvious Gary?” Shelly started, “There is no better candidate!”

Gary tapped the proposal in front of him and replied with a big smile, “So, should I call her, or would you like to?”

You can find a great office furniture store here:

Creative Office Design
15440 Laguna Canyon Rd #120, Irvine, CA 92618
(714) 328-7627

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The Best Turf Installation in Town

Dale cruised down the road in his Toyota Tundra with the radio playing country music. The song ended moving into an advertisement for NoMow Turf Installation. “For years NoMow Turf Installation has provided Orange County with excellent service. We’ve created beautiful lawns and saved the drought-prone community tons on water. Why? Because we care! Call us today for a free quote and see what NoMow Turf Installation can do to make your world more stunning!” Dale mimicked the last sentence of the radio ad. It was, in fact, his voice.

It was true, he really did care about the community. He was born and raised in Orange County and NoMow Turf had thrived here, he wanted to make sure he gave back to the place that had given him so much. He pulled into a spot along the town square and made his way to the Orange Coffee Café. As he walked in the door, Sarah an eager blogger smiled brightly and waved. “Hi, Dale! Over here!” she motioned for him to sit. There was a coffee already on the table. “Double shot with skim, right? Sorry, I hope that’s not creepy! I asked your assistant what your coffee of choice was when we set the meeting. I like to be prepared. I also Googled you,” she smiled like that was the most normal thing in the world.

“Great!” Dale said, taking a seat and shifting around a little. He enjoyed her enthusiasm. “So, what would you like to know?” he asked.

“Yes, great, let’s dive right in. I like your style Dale. So, what was your inspiration for opening NoMow Turf Installation? You know, what made you fall in love with turf?”

Dale had to think about that one for a minute. He loved what he did and was good at it, but he realized it wasn’t so much the turf he loved, but the people. “I guess I’m not in love with turf,” he said, “I am, however, in love with helping make the community a more beautiful place. I enjoy saving people money on their water bill, and helping the area save water!”

“Wow,” Sarah replied, “Insightful! So, Dale, any other love in your life right now?” her eyebrow shot up.

Dale smiled, “With all your Googling I figured you would already know the answer to this one. I have a beautiful wife and wonderful kids.”

“Ha, I did know that,” she said, I just wanted to get some more quotes for the article.” Sarah continued, “Well, what’s next for the business? Expansion? Selling? Please tell me you aren’t selling!”

“Of Course not, I plan on keeping this business locally and family owned for a long time,” Dale said with confidence.

“That’s great, I mean, the other option would have made a good story too. I can see it now Local Business Owner Goes Big Time, Leaving Orange County in the Dust. That would be hard-hitting stuff!” She said.

“Haha, you sure have a lot of energy” Dale replied.

“I know, I think I got an extra shot of espresso in my coffee this morning. Just one more question, how do you feel about winning the town business of the year award? It’s your first year winning such a prestigious award. I’m sure you must be proud. Any other thoughts, emotions, feelings?” Sarah leaned forward.

Dale was surprised. How did she know he had won the award? He had his hopes, but he didn’t even know for sure himself. “How do you,” he started but she cut him off.

“Oh, I’ve got sources. Sources on the inside, if you know what I mean?” She replied winking at him.

He had no idea what she meant but nonetheless, he was excited!

I had a wonderful time meeting with Dale. If you are in the market for turf, please check out:

NoMow Turf
26674 Vista Terrace, Lake Forest, CA 92630
(855) 968-8873

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Luxury Landscaping

Melissa, a reporter for the Sanborn County Daily, walked into the Cozy Café and looked down at her watch, 5 minutes until 7 AM perfect, she thought. She grabbed a coffee, sat down, and waited. After another 5 minutes, she saw a gentleman walk through the door wearing a Torrey Pines Landscaping San Diego shirt. Melissa waved her hand and smiled. The man waved grabbing a coffee quick and then approaching her.

“Hi, Melissa?” he questioned.

“Yes, hello!” She stood extending her hand, “You must be Paul it is so nice to meet you! Let me start by saying I am a huge fan of your work.”

“Wow, thanks,” he replied. Melissa couldn’t help but notice the glimmer of genuine happiness in his eyes. He must receive compliments all the time, she thought. How refreshing it was to talk to someone with a bit of modesty.

“Well, let’s get started, Paul you have recently relocated to our town and with you came quite the business. What inspired the move?” Melissa questioned.

“Well, my family and I were just looking for somewhere quiet to settle down and this seemed like the perfect place,” Paul replied.

“That’s interesting,” Melissa continued, “Most people have never even heard of our quiet town, let alone relocated here on a whim without some sort of family tie. So, you really have no ties to the area?”

“Um, no. We don’t have any ties to the area, unfortunately,” Paul went on, “we had heard about the town through a friend who absolutely raved about it and we just couldn’t get it out of our heads.”

“Well, we are certainly glad you are here!” Melissa said, “I’d love to hear more about your work.”

Paul started, “Yes, I love my work! My business caters to homeowners who are bored with their current backyard set up. I work with my customers to create their dream oasis. It honestly is a dream come true for me. I love seeing a customer’s face when a project is finished. That is the best part of my job by far.” Paul smiled genuinely and Melissa could tell he meant what he said.

“That is so endearing Paul. I think the public would love to know how you got started in the landscaping business.” Melissa said.

“Well, it is something that has run in the family, my grandfather had a landscaping company and then my father and then me. I guess you could say it just runs in our blood.” Paul said with a laugh.

“That is so sweet,” Melissa said, “Okay, one final question for you, What is your number one goal for your business?”

“That is a great question,” Paul said, “and it’s easy for me to answer, I want to make Sanborn County the most beautiful county to live in the entire country! And that’s no joke.” Paul said with a wink.

Melissa could tell why the business was doing so well, “Wow, what a personality” she thought.

“Anything else you would like our readers to know?” Melissa asked Paul.

“If you are looking for landscaping help make sure to look up Torrey Pines Landscape Contractors! You won’t be disappointed.” Paul ended with.

“Thank you so much for your time Paul,” Melissa said, “I can’t wait to see how you help to transform the neighborhoods here!”

Here’s where you can contact them if you are looking for some landscaping help:

Torrey Pines Landscape Co.
(858) 454-1433

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Business Consulting Changes The Town

Breaking news was not a term thrown around at the Sanborn Gazette very frequently. For once they had something that warranted the terminology, writer Sharon Smith thought as she left the new Business Consulting Firm’s office. She rushed back to her home base, the Gazette’s two cubicle office, to write her piece on the business.

New Business, PerSynergy Coaching, Takes Sanborn by Storm

A new business is making a splash in our small town of Sanborn. Sanborn, with a population of just 1,006 is home to just over a dozen small local businesses. In the past, our economic growth has been a challenge. Small businesses were pushed to the wayside, while citizens opted for the 15-minute drive to the big city to do their shopping at the big chain retailers.

Well, not anymore! This top-notch coaching firm has infiltrated our community, working to turn the economy around. Seven of our local businesses have already chosen to use their services with shocking results! These businesses include the famous Patty’s Diner, Thomas’s Shoes and More, and Frank’s Food and Stuff.

I was able to score interviews with some of these establishment’s owners along with the leader of PerSynergy Coaching. The rest of the business owners were, unfortunately, not available for comment at this time.

When asked about the progress they were making, Mrs. Patty herself said, “It is amazing! Sales are through the roof. People are willing to stay here and grab a bite to eat instead of driving into town to go to the Cheese Cake Factory. Things could not be going better, I would highly recommend these business consulting pros to anyone.”

On a typically day Patty’s Diner might have had forty customers cumulatively throughout the day. Now, Mrs. Patty states an average of sixty customers throughout the day. “The growth is staggering,” she says!

Thomas, the owner of Thomas’s Shoes and More, says, “I love, love, love, working with PerSynergy. They help me get the job done and business has never been better. They have quickly become a pillar of this community, and a beacon of hope for all small business owners. To him I tip my hat.”

Thomas’s Shoes report earnings that are 25% higher since they hired the consulting firm. They rave, “business is so much better!” They also have been able to take on more staff members, stimulating the economy.

When asked what his vision is behind his consulting firm the owner states, “Our vision is simply to improve this great community. I have always loved this community. My grandparents were born and raised here before moving away, but I remember coming to visit as a kid. The more jobs we can create in Sanborn, the more successful I feel we have been. We have a vision of a self-sustaining Sanborn. A community where you do not have to drive into town every time you want to grocery shop or get a haircut. We have to build on what we have here in order to create something beautiful.”

So, there you have it, this is the way of the future for Sanborn. There will be more reports to come on how this new business is vastly impacting our small community, so stay tuned!

You can find these consultants here:

PerSynergy Consulting
5 Somerset, Trabuco Canyon, CA 92679
(949) 543-0415

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The Lawyer Who Cared

Joan Midler had been on her way to work that Wednesday when she caught sight of something that seemed very interesting.

‘What is that?’ Her blue eyes widened and her brows knotted together. The young immigration lawyer from Orange County had a thing for helping foreigners. She loved interacting with people from other countries, who had different cultures and beliefs, working with them had widened her horizon.

She quickly parked her car to one side of the road and got out of it.

Of recent, there had been an influx of about twenty thousand refugees from Syria and they were having a hard time fitting into the small Californian city.

A mischievous smile pricked her lips as she recalled the complaints she had gotten from some of the refugees who could speak English. Language was a big problem here, and they had no choice but to begin ESL classes.

“Hello!” She called out to the three children and a middle-aged woman on the other side of the road. They seemed to be in some kind of fix, and they really looked confused.

Joan straightened her skirt and marched confidently in her black pumps towards them. They were arguing with a bus conductor who had begun yelling. And from his filthy lips, a dozen curse words fled into the air.

Joan noticed that the woman and the children who were obviously hers because of the strong resemblance seemed confused. They looked at the angry guy in bewilderment.

They were thinking, “Why is this guy yelling on such a sunny day?”

When she arrived at the scene, Joan couldn’t help but admire their colorful dresses which reminded her of some Indian movies she had seen when she was a kid. The girls covered their head with a little scarf, while the woman veiled herself with a Hijab.

“Hello” Joan flashed a smile at them.

The woman quickly shifted and pulled her children away from the stranger. Her swift action didn’t go unnoticed. It only made Joan laugh.

“Look, I am here to help you.” Joan pressed a hand on her chest, a gesture most people understood as love or peace. Obviously, they were new to the area and they needed some help.

Joan heard the kids whispering something in a language similar to Arabic, which she understood partially. Due to the nature of her job, Joan had learned to adapt to languages quickly. She knew how to speak French, German, Russian, Spanish and Turkish fluently. Other languages came in bits.

“What do you want here lady? Are you coming on the bus or what?” The angry conductor fired at her.

“Um, not really,” Joan paused and ran her eyes over the woman and her kids.

“Don’t look at them. They got on the bus and won’t pay, even after we dropped everyone at the last bus stop.” The man was still annoyed.

At that point, Joan understood what was going on.

“Whoa, did you care to find out where they were going or you were just yelling?” Joan wondered.

“I work on a bus, not some interview company.”

Joan ignored him and moved towards the woman and her kids who were about running when she raised her hands in the air and screamed, “Salam!” At once, they all stopped and stared at her in wonder.

“Salam?” A smile split the chubby face of the mother, as “Salam,” was the call for peace. It was a welcome. It was an invitation.

Joan hoped the woman wouldn’t gush out more Arabic, because she would be totally lost.

“Um, where were you going?” Joan gestured with her hands hoping they would understand, and they did.

The youngest kid screamed, “Arsadia…”

“Just hear that, ain’t no place like Arsadia!” The conductor yelled.

Joan laughed as she realized they meant, “Arcadia,” but their accent had caused a little confusion.

“I have a car; I can take you wherever you want. You can trust me, Salam.” She pressed her hands together and bowed her head like she was in prayer.

The woman moved closer to Joan. Apart from the fact that the woman spoke a word she understood, there was something about her sapphire eyes. They were calm, considerate and friendly. She could trust this woman.

“If you are thinking of leaving without paying…”

Joan flipped her purse open and handed him a few dollars.

She grabbed one of the kids and raised him into her arms.

“Next time, learn to be nicer to strangers. You don’t know when you’ll find yourself in need of help.” She waved a finger across the man’s face.

Five minutes after, her new friends were already in her car heading to her office where she would bring in a translator and help get them the assistance they needed.

They drove off to:

K Nair Law Group
31897 Del Obispo St Suite 225, San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675
(949) 493-4150

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A New Home Builder Comes To Town

I like to introduce everyone to one of our newest businesses in town.

Sailhouse custom home builders.

They are a full-service real estate and home development firm and I am positive that they will make Sanborn County and even more beautiful place to live. I know, I know, it seems impossible as we live in such an incredible place and have a long history of amazing home builders, but I really think that you all are going to be very happy with the work that they do.

Here, let me show you a few examples of their work:

This is a beautiful home that they did. Check out the unique triple garage door.

And I absolutely love how the back of this house turned out.

And you have to check out this amazing kitchen!

And finally, look what they did to open this house up to the world. Incredible!

As I said, we are not going to be disappointed.

You can find them here:

170 Newport Center Dr #260
Newport Beach, CA 92660
(949) 281-6044

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A Smarter Way To Bookkeep

It is always an exciting time when a new business comes into town and this week is no different. I am thrilled to introduce you all to the newest member of our business community here in Sanborn County.

I’m pleased to introduce Smart Bean Inc.

Smart Bean Inc Bookkeeping in Tustin CA is a start of the art bookkeeping company that uses machine learning to help automate the bookkeeping process which helps them to keep their prices low and provide service that goes above and beyond. I know many of you will be glad to hear about the low prices, but I want to assure you that there is more to be excited about than just their affordable prices.

Now, unfortunately, as many of you know, Sanborn County’s long-time, resident bookkeeper, Al Countant, recently passed away. Al was a staple in the community, having been in business here for 45 years! We’ll always fondly remember Al’s famous scarecrows that he would put up during the Halloween festival and his award-winning apple pie that he would only make once a year. His sudden passing left many of our local businesses scrambling for accounting help. Smart Bean comes in at just the right time to help these businesses as we approach the busy holiday season.

As with all new businesses that come into town, I did a little research on them. We want to make sure that only the best work in Sanborn County and I will try and do my part to keep you informed of every new business.

To start, I checked out their Yelp account to see what others were saying about them. You can find that here: Yelp is a great spot to get a feel for what the people think about a business. Great businesses will often have very loyal and vocal supporters online.

I then went to check out their website which you can see in the link above. Their website is quite impressive and was a very helpful resource. Right off the bat, you can see the services that they offer as well as the pricing structure and packages. This is nice because you can know right away what you are getting for your money and you don’t have to be worried about whether you are being ripped off or not. Some of the services that they offer include Daily Bookkeeping, Monthly Reporting, Bill Pay, and 1099 tracking. And to top it all off, you can try their services for free for 3 months! I think that the people of Sanborn County will be very happy with their offer and their services should cover all of your accounting and bookkeeping needs.

And lastly, I found some videos that Smart Bean created and uploaded onto YouTube. They look great and if they are any indication of the type of bookkeeping work that they do then I think that our town will be in good accounting hands for the foreseeable future! I’ve included one of their videos below that I think will resonate with our readers:

If you are wondering where you can find Smart Bean, check them out here:

Smart Bean Inc

17291 Irvine Blvd #104, Tustin, CA 92780

(714) 503-8108

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The Sanborn Accident Awards

One of the perks of living in a small town is that life generally is pretty calm and quite. Most people move here because they want away from the hustle, bustle, and chaos that comes with the big city. However, even in our little town, we have our share of mishaps. Now, you may have heard of the Darwin Awards, unfortunate, silly stories of how people have met their demise. Our little town has a similar yearly award for the most unique accident that took place that year. Every year on October 31st the whole town votes to decide on a winner. That person ends up getting a little embarrassed but also gets a $100 gift certificate to any restaurant in town that they would like. In honor of the upcoming vote, I wanted to highlight a few winners from years past.

A quick disclaimer, this is all done in jest. We hope the best for everyone who wins this award. If anyone is seriously injured in an accident, we highly recommend that they get a highly qualified personal injury attorney like these guys in Orange County. They can help you with any type of accident and make sure that your family is taken care of!

With that, onto some of our favorite accidents from over the years:

3 – The Horse and Buggy – 1836

The was the first-ever accident award and goes all the way back to 1836. The Smith’s were getting the wheels on their buggy replaced. As the buggy repairman was taking off the second wheel a snake crawled out from the bush and frightened the horse. The horse, who unfortunately was still tied to the buggy, took off running and was dragging the wheel-less buggy behind him. He went right down Main Street knocking over food and flower stands. Luckily, nobody was injured, but a lot of those stands had to be rebuilt and the buggy itself was pretty damaged. The horse eventually got worn down by dragging that buggy around town and finally settled for a rest under the apple tree at the end of the way.

2 – The Golf Ball Surprise – 1994

This one was a classic. In the summer of ‘93, the chicken population exploded in the town, which led to a huge surplus of eggs the following year. There were so many eggs nobody knew what to do with all of them. It became a running gag in town to replace common objects with eggs. Well, at the big summer golf tournament, one of the caddies was going to surprise his golfer by placing an egg on the tee instead of a golf ball. He thought everyone would get a good laugh seeing the egg exploded when it was hit. Unbeknownst to him, his wife had replaced all of his normal eggs with hard boiled ones! So when the golfer hit it, instead of exploding, it shot off of the tee like a rocket! He ended up getting a hole-in-one! It is still the greatest golf shot this town has ever seen.

1 – The Apple Pie – 1961

As you all know, this town is known for our great apple trees and every fall there is the town favorite Apple Pie Cook Off.  Well, back in 1961, it was tradition to bake the apple pie and then place it on the window sill to cool off. There are so many pies sitting out that the whole town smells simply delicious. On this fateful day, Mrs. Johnson (the one that lives on Main Street) had her pie sitting out on the window for everyone to see and smell. Jimmy Olson just happened to be riding his skateboard down the sidewalk and trip on a crack right in front of the window. His arms were flailing as he tried to catch his balance and he smacked that apple pie sending it flying out into the street. Just as that happened, Mayor Humphrey was walking by and the pie hit him straight in the face! It was a one in a million shot! Thankfully everyone was okay. Mrs. Johnson made a new pie and ended up taking 2nd place that year!

I hope you enjoyed these stories! We’re all excited to see who the winner this year is going to be! Good luck (or not) to everyone!

And remember if you do get in an accident, make sure you go to the best attorney you can find.

You can meet with the ones we mentioned earlier here:
Guldjian & Fasel Accident Attorneys
600 Anton Blvd #1700, Costa Mesa, CA 92626
(800) 385-4838