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A Growing Town Means Growing Inspiration

Yogi Bera famously said, “Nostalgia just ain’t what it used to be.” In a small town it’s easy to get wrapped up in the gold glow of how things were and lose sight of how things are shaping up to be. With the amount of growth Sanborn County has experienced in these last few years, folks are giving a second look to all kinds of traditions and habits that have been with the county since it started. Some inconveniences were assumed to be part of life because there simply was not a better option when the first version was set in motion. Take our public transportation for example. There has never been a need for more than 2 buses in town because Frank and his twin brother Hank drove the North/South and East/West buses respectively on such a consistent schedule there was no need for backup. Now our towns traffic is getting so backed up we are opening a carpool lane to help encourage ride sharing and decrease congestion. Infrastructure at the city level isn’t the only thing that folks are re-imagining.

Just about every home in town was built by the same developer when the county was first incorporated. Now that 1940’s style wood-on-wood paneling is starting to wear and folks are remodeling their homes left and right.  Bulky pine cabinets and ranch-style interior trim are being replaced with wood-grain, tile flooring and Carrera marble counter tops. Bathrooms and kitchens that previously shared the same history of the town in their worn wood and distressed years are being redesigned into unique and modern statements. Creaks and cracks were simply a symptom of a town that did not have time to care about the layout of a living space. Inspiration is now striking these forgotten dwellings and delivering a stunning show of form and function.

There are some things that should not be left with a bygone era: craftsmanship, longevity, and service. Fortunately the new remodeling contractor that moved into town shares these same values with the foremen before him.

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The shift from subsisting to abundance is not an immediate one. Watch a town closely enough and you can miss that progress or regress never slows down. Homes in Sanborn are certainly experiencing the former with the help of Inspired Remodels. Simple touches of luxury bloom their way into the hearths and staircases of the most historic homes in town until neighborhoods, blocks, and towns transform to reflect the abundance that every resident radiates.

Orange County's best remodeling contractors Inspired Remodels
Inspired kitchen and bathroom remodeling mastercraft

There is a profound impact that a bathroom or kitchen remodel has on a home. It’s takes the hand of a truly talented remodeling contractor to elevate the warmth and tradition of an old house into the timeless elegance of a long-standing home. Nostalgia makes for excellent stories but it has a tendency to weigh too heavily on the potential for progress. To live is to grow and it takes an inspired eye to add progress to history like the rings in a tree. Give Inspired Remodels a call when the itch for inspiration overcomes your resignation to reminiscence.

Inspired Remodels, Inc.
(949) 716-1938